ISO 27001:2013 Certification

At Instil, we're continually looking for ways to improve our approach to information security so with the help of the wonderful folks at Vertical Structure we decided to go down the route of ISO 27001 certification and we're pleased to report that we have now officially been certified to ISO 27001 standards!

ISO 27001 is a globally renowned standard for managing information security and attaining certification is the result of a rigorous internal and external audit process. As part of this process, we've made a number of improvements across Instil covering everything from office security to how we assess risk in software delivery.

However, certification is not something we do once and forget about, this will be an ongoing area of focus to ensure we retain the trust our customers have placed in us with their applications and data. For now, a massive thank you to the Instil team and Vertical Structure for all their hard work in getting to this point.

Article By
blog author

Chris van Es

Head of Engineering
