If you or your team are new to C# and .NET, why not check out our Fast Track to .NET (C#) course for a more complete introduction.
.NET and C# are rapidly evolving, and sometimes it's hard to keep up. In this 1–2 day workshop, we can help you fill in the gaps. We cover all the newest language features right up to C# 12, and you simply let us know which topics you want included.
- The History and Evolution of .NET
- Platforms, Frameworks and Targeting
- .NET Standard
- .NET Core
- .NET 9.0
- Installing the SDK and CLI
- Extending the Command Line
- New Core Project Structure
- Managing projects via the CLI
Data Structures
- Classes vs structs
- Modern property syntax including init
- Expression Bodied Members
- Adding indexer methods and index initialisers
- Creating Tuples
- Creating Record Classes
- Easier immutability using the with keyword
- Deconstructing objects
- Default Interface Methods
- Records
Cleaner Syntax
- Using statically imported members
- Out variables updates
- Writing switch expressions
- Accessing indices and ranges
- Simplified object creation with new() and default
- Releasing resources via IDisposable
- Applying using blocks and using declarations
- Exception Filters
- Pattern Matching
- Using nameof and Caller Attributes
- Easier literals, including raw
- Local and Static Local Functions and Lambdas
- Generic support
- Collection expressions
Null Safety
- Using Nullable references
- Null Conditional Operator
- Null Coalescing Operator
- Null Coalescing Assignment Operator
Threading and Performance
- The Task Parallel Library
- The async/await Pattern with builders
- Consuming Asynchronous Streams
- Asynchronous Disposable Pattern
- Maximising efficiency with Span structures
- Minimising GC with stack allocations
- Pointers, refs and unsafe code
At least 2 years working with C# and the .NET platform.