Announcing React

Announcing React, an asynchronous event about reactive programming

  • 7th-9th April 2014
  • Shoreditch, London
React Conference

Almost a case of announcing something after the event, well after the tickets have gone on sale at least, but Instil and low-latency guru Martin Thompson are organising a conference about building reactive systems. React will take place in Shoreditch, London April 7th-9th 2017.

Here comes the sales pitch:

React is unlike other conferences. It will bring together a small but highly influential group of developers to explore and discuss the fundamental principles of the Reactive Manifesto and why they are important for the new generation of systems being developed. There is no call for papers – instead we have invited some of the best speakers and thinkers from our industry to share their wisdom about specific traits of the manifesto. So instead of some random selection of loosely connected talks, React will present a coherent journey through the reactive programming stack, trait by trait, UI to database.

But please don’t be mistaken – React is not some kind of reactive programming love-in but rather an informative, learning experience where you get to take home new and valuable insight. Expect consensus but also expect plenty of discussion and debate around some of the finer details of the manifesto. We genuinely want to create a different kind of software development conference.

The conference schedule is available on the React website and tickets here.