Find us at Digital Transformation in Insurance 2023

Join us at the Digital Transformation in Insurance conference where we will be sharing the story of how we transformed one of Ireland's premier insurance companies into a digital business.

Back in 2020, we began a journey with one of Ireland's premier insurance brokerages to develop a new online insurance brand called Stroll.

At this year's Digital Transformation in Insurance conference we get to tell the story of that journey, of how we leveraged the latest developments in modern cloud technology to build out a full end-to-end digital platform capable of supporting the complete insurance lifecycle.

Whilst this is mostly a story about technology, people and process, it's also a story of how one customer embraced the sound of the inevitable (apologies Agent Smith) - that digital has been slowly eating away at the traditional business models and that to survive and thrive, business must adapt quickly.

As an official sponsor of the conference, we will also have a stand, so if you are able to attend, don't be shy, drop by and say hello.

Article By
blog author

Tara Simpson

