KotlinConf 2019 Workshop

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For a second year running Instil will be delivering a workshop at KotlinConf. The 2019 event will be held in Copenhagen from 4th - 6th December.

Our training team, Garth Gilmour and Eamonn Boyle, will be hosting a one day practical workshop entitled A Deep Dive into Kotlin/Native. This workshop will fully explore how Kotlin/Native can be used to generate native applications for different platforms and we will explain the language uses reference counting and a standard memory model to produce non-VM based applications that can be compiled across multiple platforms. By the end you will have both hands-on experience with Kotlin/Native and an understanding of how things work under the covers.

This is the third annual KotlinConf and will feature workshops, presentations and networking as well as keynotes from some of the top minds in the Kotlin ecosystem.

At Instil, we offer a range of Kotlin training courses ranging from Introduction to Kotlin to Spring Boot with Kotlin.

Follow us @instil and @kotlinconf to find out more and you can join the conversation by using #kotlinconf.

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Zarah Akilagun-Thompson

Marketing Manager
