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Talk to us

Kotlin and FP - The Best of Both Worlds

In our first Kotlin meetup of 2021, Amazon's Katie Levy and Twitter's Shelby Cohen gave an excellent talk on how to combine Kotlin and FP to get 'the best of...

Zarah Akilagun-Thompson
27 January 2021

Serverless BASH! Q&A With Chase Douglas

Missed the keynote Q&A session from Serverless Bash? We've put together a summary below:

Zarah Akilagun-Thompson
1 July 2020

GOTO Oslo - talks now available to watch

GOTO Oslo took place as a virtual event due to COVID-19 on 3rd March this year. Head of Learning, Garth Gilmour, and fellow trainer, Eamonn Boyle, delivered two presentations, both...

Zarah Akilagun-Thompson
5 June 2020

Thinking of the days, those serverless days you gave me

There’s something very special about a single-day, single-track, single-topic conference in your home city that offers a day of learning, a pint afterwards and home in time for the kids'...

Ryan Adams
30 January 2020

App Builders 2019

This year we were given the opportunity to attend the AppBuilders Conference at the stunning location of Lugano in Switzerland. Below I will discuss my thoughts on the various talks...

Neil Armstrong
16 July 2019

Reactive Trader on HanselMinutes

Listen to the people behind the Reactive Trader platform on HanselMinutes and hear them speak at React

Richard Bell
25 July 2014

Reflecting on React

Reflections on React, an asynchronous event about reactive programming

Tara Simpson
9 May 2014

Shiny Bash Slides

Slides for the 2013 Autumn Bash event that covered lots of new shiny technologies and tools

Tara Simpson
11 November 2013