Kotlin and FP - The Best of Both Worlds

In our first Kotlin meetup of 2021, Amazon's Katie Levy and Twitter's Shelby Cohen gave an excellent talk on how to combine Kotlin and FP to get 'the best of both worlds'. If you missed their presentation, here are the highlights, sliced and diced.


This talk breaks down the key aspects of what defines functional programming and the key benefits of using FP paradigms. It provides a walkthrough on how to use more FP in your Kotlin code.

As well as covering some basic examples, it also goes into more complex data structures from Arrow, a Functional Programming library for Kotlin. When you walk away from this talk, you should be able to incorporate the tangible examples you have learned into your own Kotlin code.

What is Functional Programming?

Benefits of FP

Why Kotlin?

How to make your code more functional


Now you are using FP, what parts of Java/Kotlin do you not like?

Have you ever seen people taking Kotlin too far?

Why not use try rather than either?

The full recording can be found here.

For information on our up and coming meetups, visit our Bash! meetup page

Stay safe, everyone!

Article By
blog author

Zarah Akilagun-Thompson

Marketing Manager
