Macmillan Coffee Morning

instil team

The Instil team (including furry friends) gathered on a drizzly September Friday morning in the serene grounds of Botanic Gardens to show their support for the World's Biggest Coffee Morning.

This was the first time for many of the team to join forces with their fellow colleagues since lockdown. Spirits were high and it was great to see the team interacting and catching up on lost time.

instil team coffee morning

After a few too many buns and cups of coffee, the team rounded off the morning with a go on the ferris wheel.

We are pleased to report that we raised £1030.

Big thanks to our Head of People, Stefanie and social committee member, Kelvin for organising.

More about the World's Biggest Coffee Morning

The World's Biggest Coffee Morning first took place in 1990, and is now one of the most well known fundraising events worldwide. You may have experienced the work of the charity first hand or you may know someone who has really benefitted from the support and services they offer. Either way, raising funds no matter how small can make a difference to someone fighting cancer.

For more information on the charity see Macmillan Cancer Support

Article By
blog author

Zarah Akilagun-Thompson

Marketing Manager
