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Security by intention

Links to useful technical content, published every 2-3 weeks - this week we're focusing on security

18 April 2024

Security for the masses - the importance of building a security-first culture

In 2022, the World Economic Forum identified cyber failure as one of the top 10 short and medium-term risks facing...

8 May 2023

How to deploy an AWS AppSync API behind WAF using CDK

In this tutorial, we’ll look at how you can leverage AWS CDK v2 to deploy an AppSync GraphQL API behind...

25 May 2022

How to virus scan S3 files with ClamAV and CDK

In this post we look at how to trigger virus scanning of files when they are uploaded to S3 utilising...

7 March 2022

Can Remote Training Sessions Work For You?

This is the fourth post in our series on distributed classroom training, this time written by our associate trainer, and...

29 June 2020

Avoiding Defensive Checks

Defending against malicious use is a first order concern in all software. Any software that can be used or...

19 October 2017

Denial is Not a Defence

Security expert Simon Whittaker discusses the impact of a recent ICO fine and the upcoming GDPR on web application security

13 October 2017

Security Testing & Incremental Threat Modelling

Security expert Simon Whittaker discusses using incremental threat modelling to deliver secure software applications

7 August 2017