what's happening

Life at Instil

Benn Intern Life @instil

Benn reflects on his time at Instil as an intern student and what he has learnt along the way

16 August 2018

Why You Must Work Here

A insider's honest view on why working at Instil ticks all his boxes

29 January 2018

Monzo Bash!

Reportage on Monzo's visit to Belfast, were they shared the secrets of their technology stack

6 December 2017

Instil hosts Belfast FP meetup in new offices!

Reportage on Belfast Functional Programmers Meetup November 2017

24 November 2017

Life as an Intern @ Instil

An intern's view on his placement year at Instil and what he took away

25 June 2017

8 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Work Placement

8 tips to get the most out of your work placement or internship

14 June 2017

Functional Coding in Java - Gateway Drug or End of Line

In this guest post, Tom Prior reviews a Java Functional Programming talk given by Instiller Garth at a recent event...

18 April 2017

.NET Meetup V1.4 with Martin Woodward

Reportage on the recent .NET meetup with Martin Woodward

31 March 2017

Yes SQL Bash Reportage

Reportage on Lukas Eder's talk at the our recent SQL Bash event

25 November 2015

Functional Kats 2015 Reportage

Reportage on the Functional Kats Conference 2015 held in Dublin

21 September 2015