Product Development
Custom software & product engineering.
Cloud Engineering
Modern cloud native & migration specialists.
Digital Modernisation
Enabling businesses for the digital age.
Accelerated learning for developers.
Articles, tutorials, and the occasional opinion piece from the team
Fear and imposter syndrome are common in the software industry. Where does this fear come from and what is...
How to create continuous delivery pipelines in Jenkins 2.0
A guide to using Ansible to automatically setup your OSX development environment
The importance of listening to your tests as a sanity check on your design
SIMD in Depth - Performance and Cost in C# and C++ (Part 2 of 2)
An introduction to SIMD and parallelism on a Single Core - SIMD with C# (Part 1 of 2)
Strengthening our creative practice through a fresh perspective on our own limitations and those imposed by others
An introduction to session-based testing, a refinement to exploratory testing
An overview of the latest features in C# 6.0 and how they will simplify your code
Xamarin - a panacea for cross-platform mobile development?
Reading the tea leaves - predicting what's in store for 2016 and beyond
3 essential things to check before you commit and push your changes to version control
Quick introduction to using RxJava in Java 7 and Java 8
Opinion piece on whether an IT degree is important or essential in today's market
Listen to the people behind the Reactive Trader platform on HanselMinutes and hear them speak at React